"Seven Deadly Sins: Origin," initially revealed at Netmarble's NTP event in 2022, is an open-world RPG based on the universe of "The Seven Deadly Sins" and its sequel, "The Four Knights of the Apocalypse."
"Seven Deadly Sins: Origin" combines the immersive open-world exploration of traditional RPGs with the fluid combat style of tag-based fighting games. The game introduces a variety of interactions, puzzles, diving, and transportation systems, showcasing the unique abilities of characters like 'Hawk.' The combat system stands out with its tag-action approach, providing players with a sense of continuity in successive combos, differentiating it from other collectible action RPGs
The Seven Deadly Sins: Origin
The Seven Deadly Sins: Origin
"Seven Deadly Sins: Origin," initially revealed at Netmarble's NTP event in 2022, is an open-world RPG based on the universe of "The Seven Deadly Sins" and its sequel, "The Four Knights of the Apocalypse."
"Seven Deadly Sins: Origin" combines the immersive open-world exploration of traditional RPGs with the fluid combat style of tag-based fighting games. The game introduces a variety of interactions, puzzles, diving, and transportation systems, showcasing the unique abilities of characters like 'Hawk.' The combat system stands out with its tag-action approach, providing players with a sense of continuity in successive combos, differentiating it from other collectible action RPGs
"Seven Deadly Sins: Origin," initially revealed at Netmarble's NTP event in 2022, is an open-world RPG based on the universe of "The Seven Deadly Sins" and its sequel, "The Four Knights of the Apocalypse."
"Seven Deadly Sins: Origin" combines the immersive open-world exploration of traditional RPGs with the fluid combat style of tag-based fighting games. The game introduces a variety of interactions, puzzles, diving, and transportation systems, showcasing the unique abilities of characters like 'Hawk.' The combat system stands out with its tag-action approach, providing players with a sense of continuity in successive combos, differentiating it from other collectible action RPGs
Rating not be inaccurate due to low number of reviewers.
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Rating not be inaccurate due to low number of reviewers.