Gaming Fun, Connect On
"Project Mugen," an urban open-world RPG developed by Naked Rain and published by NetEase, emerged unexpectedly in August, capturing attention with its blend of Genshin Impact and Grand Theft Auto themes. Despite limited details, the game is set to release on December 7th, offering a unique experience in an expansive, open-world city named Nova Inception Urbs
"Project Mugen," an urban open-world RPG developed by Naked Rain and published by NetEase, emerged unexpectedly in August, capturing attention with its blend of Genshin Impact and Grand Theft Auto themes. Despite limited details, the game is set to release on December 7th, offering a unique experience in an expansive, open-world city named Nova Inception Urbs
"Project Mugen," an urban open-world RPG developed by Naked Rain and published by NetEase, emerged unexpectedly in August, capturing attention with its blend of Genshin Impact and Grand Theft Auto themes. Despite limited details, the game is set to release on December 7th, offering a unique experience in an expansive, open-world city named Nova Inception Urbs